25 reasons why cooperate with our firm in the field of taxes

  1. We will bear full responsibility for your taxes.
  2. We will provide you full service of a tax consultant.
  3. We will process your tax return.
  4. We will process your road tax return.
  5. We will also process real-estate tax and possibly real-estate transfer tax.
  6. We will guarantee your fines and penalties.
  7. We will offer you full service of a tax consultant.
  8. Tax optimising - e.g. maximum production of tax correction items
  9. We will tax-optimise your business ideas, travels and aims, visions.
  10. The first tax consultant in Moravia is in our firm.
  11. There are other tax consultants in our firm.
  12. We cooperate with many tax specialists from all CR.
  13. For CTC CR we prepare examinations for tax consultants and thus we study continually.
  14. We know the VAT issue, we cooperate with external VAT specialists.
  15. We know income tax law issue, we cooperate with external specialists.
  16. We know the regulation for accounting maintenance.
  17. We will study for you.
  18. We will observe legislation development for you.
  19. We will arrange training of your employees.
  20. We will provide on-line consulting.
  21. We will postpone paying your taxes in three months if it is convenient for you.
  22. Processing your accounting and payroll regulations in connection with valid legislation
  23. We will enter the tax portal for you.
  24. We will communicate with your tax revenue office electronically.
  25. We will arrange your enter in our education portal www.vzdelavani-danovy-poradce.cz


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